Northwards Continuation Of Mineralization Confirmed At Atahualpa


VANCOUVER, BC - Coro Mining Corp. on the Marimaca Project in the Antofagasta Region of Chile. The first 21 RC holes totaling 6,750 metres have been drilled at Atahualpa and have confirmed the northward extension of copper oxide mineralization from that previously defined at Marimaca 1-23 and La Atomica.  The Marimaca deposit has now been shown to be continuous over a strike length in excess of 1,000 meters and remains open to the north. The underground workings at Atahualpa have been sampled and mineralization is known to be present for at least a further 250 meters beyond the current drill pattern.  Marimaca averages in excess of 500 meters in width, narrowing to the south, and leachable mineralization averages 50 to 200 meters in thickness.

Nicholas Bias, VP Corporate Development, said, “We are delighted that the first batch of drill results at Atahualpa, the area adjacent and to the north of Marimaca, has confirmed that the copper oxide mineralized zones extend on to the Atahualpa claims.  This is an important milestone for the project because we are now demonstrating the real potential of a larger resource at Marimaca, surpassing that established in the Phase I program. As the Phase II program continues and expands, we look forward to releasing more results confirming the continued growth of the Marimaca Project.”